Steam heaters - Petrochemicals

Steam heaters - Petrochemicals

Petrochemical industry is the pillar industry of our country, including petroleum petrochemical and chemical industry, both of which maintained rapid growth in 2006. In recent years, the petrochemical industry has a serious overcapacity problem. The petrochemical industry, which has serious excess capacity, is still expanding its capacity, and some emerging industries are also showing signs of excess. Among them, urea, phosphate fertilizer and calcium carbide, which are closely related to people's production and life, all have serious overcapacity. The following recommendation report of Qianzhan Industry Research Institute gives an in-depth description of the current situation of the petrochemical industry market, the competitive landscape of leading enterprises and the future development trend of the petrochemical industry.

Petrochemical industry is the pillar industry of our country, including petroleum petrochemical and chemical industry, both of which maintained rapid growth in 2006. In recent years, the petrochemical industry has a serious overcapacity problem. The petrochemical industry, which has serious excess capacity, is still expanding its capacity, and some emerging industries are also showing signs of excess. Among them, urea, phosphate fertilizer and calcium carbide, which are closely related to people's production and life, all have serious overcapacity. The following recommendation report of Qianzhan Industry Research Institute gives an in-depth description of the current situation of the petrochemical industry market, the competitive landscape of leading enterprises and the future development trend of the petrochemical industry.

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